Hājara, Tawakkul and Lessons to be Picked

Mohammed Toffick Wumpini
3 min readMar 1, 2022


I started reading something new today, Shaykh Abubakr Jābir al-Jazāiri's Hādhal Habīb Muhammad صلى الله عليه وآله. It's a biographical work on the prophet صلى الله عليه وآله. What differentiates it from some other works I've had the opportunity to read is that it is very particular about lessons. After every episode, the author makes it a point to stop and extrapolate, for the benefit of the reader, valuable lessons and praiseworthy insights.

The book begins by narrating the migration of Prophet Ibrahim and Lūt عليهما السلام from the corruption and destruction that had filled their lands. It spirals into Hājara boring his child and how she agrees to desert Syria after childbirth in order to save Sāra the pains of having to witness the presence and growth of Ismā'īl عليه السلام.

On reaching the lone lands of Makkah, Prophet Ibrahim عليه السلام leaves her and their son under the shade of a huge tree in the company of some food and water; on turning to return to Syria, Hājara, with tears in her eyes, queries: under whose care are you leaving us, O Ibrahim? Did Allah command you to do this, O Ibrahim?

He answers: Yes

She retorts: Then, you may leave. For verily, Allah wouldn’t ditch us.

From thence, he left in return to Syria.

The author captures this episode beautifully as follows:

إنه بالواد الأمين، المحاط بجبال فاران من أرض طيبة مباركة، تحت دوحة عظيمة، وضع إبراهيم هاجر وطفلها، تاركا لهما جرابا فيه طعام، وسقاء فيه ماء، وقفل راجعا. ونظرت إليه هاجر، والدهشة تأخذها، والحيرة تنتابها، ثم تقول: إلى من تكلنا يا إبراهيم؟ وأردفت تساؤله قائلة: آلله أمرك بهذا يا إبراهيم؟ فأجابها السيد الرحيم قائلا: نعم. فردت عليه - وهي قريرة العين: إذا فاذهب، فإن الله لا يضيعنا. وذهب
إبراهيم عائدا إلى أرض الشام.

After narrating this episode, he made note of a few things:

i) Hājara, a believing woman, left her state and home just so she doesn't hurt her benefactor. Upon learning about the (ghairah) jealousy that Sāra harboured, she fled from her comfort zone to prevent hurting her mistress with her mere presence.

What we learn from this is to be considerate and empathetic with people's difficulties. If it is something you're doing that's causing them that much pain, stop it -- even if it means you'll end up bearing it all.

ii) Her response when she got the assurance that leaving her there was a commandment of Allah being fulfilled. That brought forth how lofty her level of iman is and how much hope she has in Allah. Tawakkul was written all over the response إذا فاذهب، فإن الله لا يضيعنا! [If so, you may go for Allah is never going to thwart us].

This is the level of Iman and tawakkul that we should aspire to reach. The stage where we are content and know that the reality of our dependence is only on Allah; that nothing He's ordained for us will miss us.

If you read this, do say a prayer for the late Shaykh. Al fātiha.



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