Life is a game of perpetual griefThere is no pain weightier than what you feel on the first day of returning to your home, abject emptiness, after burrying a loved one…Dec 9, 2024Dec 9, 2024
Opinion: What Differentiates the Zaure Circle from an Online Setting?I was running a quick contrast between the experience(s) I've had studying certain sciences at the zaure —indigenous West African knowledge…Jan 27, 2023Jan 27, 2023
Tasawwuf: Proponents and OpponentsIn his magnum opus Ihyā as sunnah, Shehu Usmanu bin Fuduye' dedicates the last chapter to tackling innovations having to do with Ihsan—what…Jan 23, 2023Jan 23, 2023
Tafsir al Jalalayn: Why Starting is the Most Important Part of Every Blessed Journey.Start, if it will be completed, with or without you, it will.Jan 19, 2023Jan 19, 2023
Post-Ramadan note to Self [and Other]•Now that Ramadan is over, do not go back to missing Fajr in congregation. Don't disable that alarm. Move it a bit forward, if need be.May 3, 2022May 3, 2022
In the Company of Oceans — One of Contentment and the Other of TranquilityOn a sojourn at the beach during the covid-19 era, I bumped into a man for the first time. This day, I carried with me my father's copy of…Apr 24, 2022Apr 24, 2022
On Shaykh Ibrāhīm Niasse, his Political Alliances and Leading Friday Prayer at the Prestigious…IntroductionMar 10, 2022Mar 10, 2022
Hājara, Tawakkul and Lessons to be PickedI started reading something new today, Shaykh Abubakr Jābir al-Jazāiri's Hādhal Habīb Muhammad صلى الله عليه وآله. It's a biographical work…Mar 1, 2022Mar 1, 2022
On the Danger of a Single StoryTwo very recent social media phenomena have made me critical of how important it is, on both an individual and a communal level, to take…Feb 28, 2022Feb 28, 2022